Who I am
I am Bluefog12, I have had many different interests in my life but none with as much likelihood to pay my rent as this. I love to edit the funny or the epic or the dank, some more successful than others, and I always aim to improve my skills in any way possible.
I didn’t know this page existed till about a day after publishing, These things tend to just pop up from time to time so Like and Subscribe and Ring that Bell. Remember when we used to use stars? I love old Youtube, not the attention span destroying shorts and Brainrot we have nowadays. y’know… When we had MLG Compilations and Funny Moments that were short clips.
Hate it or not, that is “back in my day” behaviour.
I also like to talk about things I’m passionate about if you haven’t noticed, tangents are my favourite things to type about (especially when i know not that many people are going to see this) but I’ll stop right there.
I think this is enough text to fill the space.
- Bluefog12.
This picture of some guy’s desk is pretty cool right? very sleek and modern without any meaning or purpose at all. Who has just a felt pyramid on their desk? what’s it for? conversation starter? If you need an object on a desk to start a conversation for you then you probably aren’t a very interesting person. I mean you could easily gather that this person is wealthy, business focused etcetera, but there’s no soul anywhere.
I would change it but now I’ve written a whole paragraph about it so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯