Hi I’m bluefog12 and I make the highest quality slop this side of the Atlantic.
I’m working on a dark mode!
Click this button for the free trail!
£195.85 annually (I’m kidding, or am I?)
This is a cool font
This is a cool font
This is the section where I show you the cool shit I made
The one I’m the most proud of is the DLC Rant, CS videos are a close second. those videos the kind of quality I strive for or better. Some of these are from when I first started so please excuse the sudden drop in quality.
This is my website I can do whatever I want.
Permissions were acquired to display these videos on my website.
MMM Sweet Sweet Slop
Nah, sorry mate
Don’t wanna
£42069 Per Sploik cycle
£1337 per square inch of pixels per second
You can grab these big packing peanut looking things and throw them around!
Give it a try!
That’s better
£65 per week

Message from the based department
If you need to contact me I have an email but I prefer to talk on discord
(call me a Discordian and I will gut you like a fish.)
Start Today
Start Today
As a member, you pay me money for doing literally 0 editing work whatsoever, greatly appreciated

About our Dumbass
Hello I like money! I don’t like editing for money because that gives me a time limit but I need to pay my rent :)
Hopefully by now you understand the tone of the site, I’m not that into being professional, that is NOT who I am. All I wanna do is edit the funny, get paid. maybe (hopefully) the editing will be the friends we made along the way.
If I was lazy I’d use AI to write this but you can tell if its AI or not cant you? AI has a way of explaining everything and nothing at all at the exact same time, Schrödinger's Less effort that just writing whatever I want into this box the only out I get because apparently its an amazing idea to live 1 hour+ away from the closest anything.
Oh yeah this was supposed to be about me.
I am Bluefog12, if you saw my email you’d know my real name but not saying it here because this is a more public chunk of text. I like playing FPS games like CS2 (GOLD GOLD GOLD), Call of duty (peaked at black ops 3 then irrecoverably flopped, COD WWII was p fun I guess ), [insert 3rd example here]. I listen to the Distractible Podcast while editing, sometimes I play my electric drum kit and… yup that’s about it.
I do try to get out whenever I can but when everything is an hours drive away when you can’t (Learning) it’s pretty difficult to do pretty much anything else. The online world is the only place for blue. However if I was able to go out my interests would be Kayaking and Climbing, I’ve always been interested in climbing. Contrary to where I live in the UK I DO NOT like surfing do not ASK me to surf.
Please pick me i need to pay rent
Please pick me i need to pay rent
Now, About payment…
Nobody likes to pay for things (especially not me) so I price commissions as cheap as it can legally be for me in the UK
UK Minimum Wage is £8.60 - $10.47
I will be pricing this differently based on VODs, Highlights or Clips. I always try to edit as fast as I can and I will only improve as time goes on. (price down, speed up, experience up)
A general rule is Long content or Many clips will take a long time.
Clips are the fastest for me to edit because they’re pre-cut, depending on the amount I can probably get your video back to you within a day or two of starting.
6 hours of editing
£51.60 £50
$62.84 $60
For a Cut Section of a stream (preferably an less than an hour) like the video above I can probably get it back to you in 2-3 days
8 hours of Editing
£68.80 £69 (Nice)
$83.78 $80
The above video was made from a VOD Highlight from the Twitch channel WaffleMagik
Full VODs are an entirely different beast that I am more than willing to edit if you allow time for me to cut it down properly. idk how long you stream for so assume a week.
10 Hours Minimum for VODs
£80.60 £80
$98.15 $95
Contact Me
Interested in hiring my services but not quite ready to jump head first?
Contact me using this totally not suspicious discord link
~ AFAIK I can’t embed my discord profile so Enjoy this Button.